
If the child is a citizen of Australia, Australian permanent residence or an eligible New Zealand citizen, the contributory age parent visa under subparagraphs 884 and 864) shall make it possible for older parents to live in Australia. The contributory aged parent 884 visa is a temporary visa which allows the applicants to live in Australia for two years. You will not be able to extend or renew this visa. If the parents are going to remain in Australia permanently then they can apply for the permanent Contributory Aged Parent 864 visa before the temporary 884 visa is expired.


What are the advantages of Contributory Aged Parent Visa?

The 884 temporary visa permits

 Spend two years living, studying, and working in Australia.

 Get Medicare, the government health insurance program in Australia.

The 884 temporary visa permits

 Stay, study, and work in Australia for indefinite period of time.

 Get Medicare, the government health insurance program in Australia.

 Once you are eligible, apply for Australian citizenship.

 Can sponsor family members to move to Australia permanently.

 After your visa is granted, you have five years to leave and return to Australia.

What are Eligibility Criteria?

The Temporary 884 visa applicants need to

 Have a child who is permanently living in Australia as an Australian citizen, permanent resident of Australia, or eligible citizen of New Zealand.

 Must meet the age requirements.

 Must have a sponsor.

 Must meet the balance-of-family test

 Must meet the standards for character and health

The Permanent 864 visa candidates need to

 Must Temporary 884 visa

 Respect all requirements for the Temporary 884 visa

The applicants must have their child's sponsorship in order to be granted any visa. In the event that the kid is under eighteen (18), applicants may be sponsored by

The spouse of the kid, who must be at least eighteen years old and either a permanent resident of Australia, a settled Australian citizen, or a qualified citizen of New Zealand.
A parent, child, or spouse's guardian who must be at least eighteen years old, a settled citizen of Australia, a permanent resident of Australia, or a citizen of New Zealand who meets the eligibility requirements





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