What are the requirements for Subclass 309/100visa?
For Partner (Provisional)(Subclass 309)
You must bethe spouse or de facto partner of a permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or Australian citizen in order to remain in Australia both during the application process and the decision-making process.
You must be at least eighteen years old (applicable to both spouse and de facto partner) at the time of application.
If your partner is younger than eighteen, you will need a sponsor. This sponsor can be your partner's parent or legal guardian, provided they are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
You must meet the standards for character and health.
Before the visa is issued, you must not have any outstanding obligations you may have to the Australian government.
For Partner (Migrant) (Subclass 100)
You must be holder of a temporary partner visa (subclass 309) is required.
You must be in ongoing marriage or de facto relationship Unless there are exceptional circumstances.
All Australian laws and the requirements of your temporary 309 visa must be followed.