Student Visa Subclass - 500

This visa enables any student to apply with ease for a variety of full-time programs, such as postgraduate research degrees at accredited educational institutions, English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS), Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, Higher Education, and admission to primary or secondary schools.



To get Eligible for Subclass -500? You need:

  • Enrollment in a course of study that is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS): Applicants must enroll in a course of study that is registered on this registry.
  • Financial capacity: Applicants must present official documentation attesting to their ability to cover the living expenses of their dependent family members as well as their course fees.
  • English language competency: If proof of English language proficiency is not included with the visa application or is requested by an officer, the visa will be denied.
  • Welfare arrangements under strict supervision for all students under the age of eighteen: In order for students under the age of eighteen to remain in Australia, they must provide documentation of formalized welfare arrangements.
  • Family Members Accompanying Applicants: Applicants may submit a single application for a student visa together with their family members, or they may apply separately for subsequent joining. Having the money on hand is crucial for supporting the accompanying family members who are residing in Australia as well as for those who may need it after the student visa is granted (such as a newborn child).
  • Criterion for Genuine Temporary Entrants: This criterion acts as a dependability gauge to ensure that the student visa program is utilized as intended and not for a brief visit to Australia.
  • Character and health checks: Obtaining a visa requires applicants to go through a medical evaluation. It can take several weeks to finish this. In order to evaluate the candidates' character, they must also respond to a few questions on character.
  • Overseas Student Health Cover: One week before the applicant's anticipated arrival date in Australia, the applicant must get overseas student health cover, or OSHC.



What is subclass 500 Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criterion for a student visa?

Those wishing to apply for the Australian Student Visa (subclass 500) must comprehend the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement. This criteria evaluates the applicant's plan to study for a short time in Australia. Important elements consist of:

  •    Applicant’s Circumstances in their Home Country
  •   Applicant’s Prospective situation in Australia.
  •   Applicant’s Choose Course relevance to their future plans.
  •   Applicant’s Immigration history.


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